Where Do Homes Lose the Most Energy?
According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), heating and cooling account for approximately 43% of a home’s monthly utility costs. If your home has an energy efficiency problem, that 43% figure can seem small compared to what you’re paying. Don’t wait any longer and let those energy bills skyrocket—it’s time to do something about that! And the first question you need to ask yourself is, “Where am I losing energy?”
Common Energy Loss Sites
Your home could be forcing your HVAC system to work overtime and you may not even realize it. Many areas where homes lose energy are those “out of sight, out of mind” spots you typically don’t think much about until a problem arises, and the reality of having something else to fix in your home smacks you in the face. What you’re often looking for when identifying energy efficiency problem areas is more subtle than, say, your A/C unit outright breaking down in the middle of the night.
Here are some areas where homes tend to lose a lot of energy:
When was the last time you had your attic insulation replaced? If it’s been a very long time (or if you have absolutely no idea, because you never think about your attic and you haven’t replaced its insulation since moving in), that’s a great place to start looking. About 25% of a home’s energy loss occurs through the attic as air can easily pass through the voids exposed by deteriorated insulation.
Windows & Doors
Conversely, your home’s windows and doors may be the first things you inspect when you start noticing your energy costs creeping upward. Broken or improperly sealed windows and doors can let in drafts that force you to make even more trips to adjust the thermostat. According to the DOE, 20% of the air that enters your home passes through some kind of opening in your windows or doors.
A lot of homeowners have leaky ductwork and may not even know it. In fact, around 75% of homes in the United States have this problem. Damaged ducts and insulation can create a slew of problems for your HVAC system and make indoor temperatures quite uncomfortable—either your attic will be exposed to more cool air than the rest of your home, or worn-out insulation will let too much heat into your ducts and make your home much hotter during the summer.
Water Heaters
Did you know that using your water heater makes up for around 12% of your monthly energy usage? Even if it isn’t broken, it’s likely one of the top three energy expenses in your home! Switching to a more energy-efficient water heater—such as a solar water heater, for example—is an effective way to reduce your energy consumption without giving up any relaxing hot showers.
What Can You Do to Prevent Energy Loss?
The best way to prevent your home from losing too much energy is to focus on increasing its energy efficiency. And the best way to know where to start is to identify any problem areas in your home. Bringing in professionals to conduct an energy audit is the way to go—this will help pinpoint exactly what’s causing you to lose energy, which in turn will tell you how that can be corrected. FOR Energy’s team of Energy Pros is ready to help! We perform thorough audits in Arizona homes and can help you find the solutions you need to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.
Contact us today to learn more and schedule your energy audit.